j9t’s avatarj9t’s Twitter Archive—№ 883

    1. The “CSS 4” debate (cf. css-tricks.com/css4/) looks not like a debate, but two vocal devs pushing a view. We know we need no versions for standards to succeed. It’s a feature of this reality that you can discuss every topic to death. You can also choose not to. No to #CSS 4.
  1. …in reply to @j9t
    “[Those who in the past talked ‘CSS 3’] may have hurt our field more than they did good—to an extent where some of us took ‘CSS3’ (and ‘HTML5’) on CVs as hiring red flags.” Some thoughts on the “#CSS4” proposal: github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4770#issuecomment-591658828.