#HTML. Hooking up style sheets per
might die. What? Setting an HTTP header like Link: <example.com/default.css>; REL=stylesheet which allows to style an entire site with *one* style sheet reference. (This is just one of many untapped magic tricks we haven’t used yet.) -
So what’s going on? In github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4224, there’s active discussion about dropping this from the #HTML spec. I think we should rather ask browser vendors like @googlechrome or @opera to implement this, too. Even if you don’t use it for a PWA,
deserves a chance. -
I played around with
header #CSS refs again on hell.meiert.org/temp/link/ – and I just keep loving it. Check the test page out in #Firefox (other UAs don’t supportLink
), and then its source. This is perfectly valid #HTML, and you cannot write HTML that’s more pure.