j9t’s avatarj9t’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,353

    1. #Gmail. It seems @gmail is currently featuring a buggy overlay, one that persists and can’t be skipped (at least not when rejecting “smart features”). Do others here have the same issue? (If yes, I’ve reported the issue and am working around it with a hacky bookmarklet ↓)
  1. …in reply to @j9t
    javascript:styles%3D%27.ahj %7Bdisplay: none !important%7D%27%3B newSS %3D document.createElement(%27link%27)%3B newSS.rel %3D %27stylesheet%27%3B newSS.href %3D %27data:text/css,%27 %2B escape(styles)%3B document.documentElement.childNodes%5B0%5D.appendChild(newSS)%3B void 0