Want to avoid unnecessarily large images in your repositories? Automatically, losslessly compress all graphics, before doing your own optimizations? Try Imagemin Guard (originally based on @sumcumo’s Merlin; please report issues!): npmjs.com/package/@j9t/imagemin-guard
This works now even if you reinstall a project (w/ Merlin, you could miss hooks). It’s also how I had originally envisioned Merlin—painless base image compression. Check images in, and they CAN’T be bloated. (I once liked this to be an essential for every frontend project.)
Then, if you follow imagemin, you know some deps are in need of updates. I’m monitoring; if need be, Imagemin Guard will switch to other compression tooling. I.e., this is a working setup, and there’s a future for it. Hope it works well for you, too! github.com/j9t/imagemin-guard