j9t’s avatarj9t’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,556

  1. One of two favorites from curating frontenddogma.com this week. This one, with a welcome view of the legal landscape: Understanding Regulatory Compliance and Making It Work on Your Web Site, by @petebray (@uxmatters), featured on @frontenddogma: uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2022/09/understanding-regulatory-compliance-and-making-it-work-on-your-web-site.php
    1. …in reply to @j9t
      And this one, with a great in-depth look at @nodejs: An Overview of Node.js: Architecture, APIs, Event Loop, Concurrency, by @rauschma, featured on @frontenddogma: 2ality.com/2022/09/nodejs-overview.html