j9t’s avatarj9t’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,589

        1. My 4 favorites from curating frontenddogma.com this week. 4? Our field is super-productive these days. The first 3 with great round-ups: Making Sense of WAI-ARIA: A Comprehensive Guide, by @katekalcevich (@smashingmag), featured on @frontenddogma: smashingmagazine.com/2022/09/wai-aria-guide/
      1. …in reply to @j9t
        After ARIA, Remix: The Basics of Remix, by @BrittneyPostma (@css), featured on @frontenddogma: css-tricks.com/the-basics-of-remix/
    1. …in reply to @j9t
      After Remix, npm: Best Practices for Creating a Modern npm Package, by @_clarkio (@snyksec), featured on @frontenddogma: snyk.io/blog/best-practices-create-modern-npm-package/
  1. …in reply to @j9t
    And as a bonus, important accessibility challenges: The State of Digital Accessibility: Three Key Challenges, by @audioeye (@Moz), featured on @frontenddogma: moz.com/blog/state-of-digital-accessibility